
Monte Sasso del Ferro

Clare and Reg begin their journey up the mountain. 

Who could imagine soaring up a mountain in a bucket? It certainly felt like it when we took the funicular up to Sasson del Ferro from Laveno. Jessica and I shared one bucket, while Clare and Reg shared another.

Lake Maggiore gradually spread out in a panorama before us 
as we climbed 1,062 metres up the mountain.

Once at the top, Clare and Reg made the strenuous climb up to the summit, while Jessica and I peered out over the baulestrade to try to identify places we knew, before venturing into the playground.

Jessica swung high into the air

Clare and Reg found miniature strawberries on the mountain.
They were delicious!

We also found this strange insect.

On the way down, we saw paragliders on the way up, ready
to throw themselves off the top.

Once down in Laveno, we spotted a film being made.

This actor appeared to be the star. Does anyone have any idea who he is?

We also found this market by the port. They had a wonderful
array of meats and cheeses for sale.

This was an excellent day out and definitely worth doing again.


  1. Oh Elizabeth! It all looks just fabulous! I remember Lake Maggiore from my childhood and have always wanted to go back. What views. Enjoy!!

  2. We are having such a fabulous time here. The lake is gorgeous! The guide books say this isn't the most beautiful, or the most popular of the lakes. Anyone who takes notice of that is missing a wonderful experience! ...anyway, the fewer tourists, the better for us to enjoy what we have! Hope to see you in August. xx


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Press Centre

Press Centre
I couldn't resist this one!