David and me, ready for an evening's entertainment
Barbara, Ann and Shane
The scene is set. The Ulker Arena is a vast open space, primarily for MBA,
so the stage was set at one end, and seats placed on the floor of the arena.
The publicity blurb about Alegra says:
"Alegría is a mood, a state of mind. The themes of the show, whose name means "jubilation" in Spanish, are many. Power and the handing down of power over time, the evolution from ancient monarchies to modern democracies, old age, youth - it is against this backdrop that the characters of Alegría play out their lives. Kings' fools, minstrels, beggars, old aristocrats and children make up its universe, along with the clowns, who alone are able to resist the passing of time and the social transformations that accompany it."
The show begins...
Unfortunately, we were told to turn off our phones and cameras at this point, as no photos were allowed. But as I was too absorbed to take any photos anyway, I wasn't too put out!
If ever you get a chance to see the Cirque du Soleil, don't hesitate. You will be in for a memorable evening. I certainly want to see them again. Thank you, Shane, for your generosity. It was an evening I will never forget.