A very proud Grandma! Kathy with Louise's baby, Richard.
Eric and John picked me up from Cape Town airport and we drove to Wellington, where Eric's sister, Christine, lives with her husband, Basie. There, John wanted to look at a pair of antique handguns that are for sale. John is an avid gun collector and shottist, with a veritable arsenal of weapons of all kinds. I stayed and had tea with Christine, while the others went to look at the guns, before departing for Baden. I was so happy to see John looking so fit and well after his horrendous accident; his remarkable recovery is a miracle for sure!

John, looking fit and well!
Baden was just as I remembered it, and it felt almost like a coming home. That first evening, Saturday, Kathy, Eric and I went to Louise and John's house for a Braai, together with Martin and Carine. We had chicken and lamb from the farm; it was a very jolly evening.
On Sunday, there was a gathering of the family at the big house and we all had lunch together. What a spread! A typical farmhouse meal with the table groaning with food. Later, Eric and I went swimming in the hot spring; it is so relaxing! Kathy, Eric and I couldn't face eating in the evening; we had a very light supper to compensate for over-indulging at lunch.

Farmhouse lunch at Baden.
The next day was Ooma Kitty's eighty-eighth birthday and Alta excelled herself with the koeksisters, scones, chicken pies, bacon wheels, sausage rolls, milk tart and fridge cake. Lots of ladies drove in from Montagu to wish Ooma Kitty happy birthday. I'm making it a habit to turn up for birthday parities at Baden, last time I was here it was Ouma Emily's ninetieth! Later, sitting on Kathy's stoep, we witnessed the most fabulous sunset.

Sunset over Baden
That evening we were invited out to dinner at Mimi and CJ's house. We had the most amazing pie made from a Wildebeest that CJ had shot himself. I am going to need to go back the gym in earnest when I get back to Istanbul!

CJ and Miemie, my new-found friends!
The days were passing far too quickly. On Tuesday, Kathy and I went to Robertson while Louise took Richard to his swimming lesson, and afterwards went for lunch at the nursery - a delightful restaurant set in a garden centre, which I remember visiting the last time I was there. Richard played happily in the playground, while we ladies lunched! I was so happy to have time to chat to Louise, as she is usually very busy!

Louise and John's son, Richard, is such an attractive child,
and knows how to pose for the camera!
My last day, Wednesday, Eric and Kathy drove me around Montagu to look at some of the historic houses there. It was followed by a round of visiting people to say goodbye, ending with Miemie and CJ visiting me especially to say goodbye, they are so kind! I will miss Baden, it's such a lovely place!

Montagu is a delightful small town, full of historic buildings.
In between my flight from Cape Town and the one from Jo'burg to Istanbul, Paddy picked me up to spend some time at Karen and Ian's house so that I could catch up with everyone there. Now I am back in Istanbul and the weather is glorious!
Glad you had so much fun Mummy, I felt a little bit of nostalgia reading that! Wow that was a stunning sunset, that is one thing we don't really see in Australia. The sunsets are very dull in colour!