
My 30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 5

I would like to awake to a view, rather like this one I saw
from my bedroom window this morning.

Today's task on the 30 Day Blog Challenge, was to imagine one's perfect day, while running a location independent business. The question asked, "What’s does your perfect day look like?" So here is my perfect day!

I wake up to a beautiful view from my bedroom window (rather like the one I have today). My husband brings me tea in bed, and we sit looking out at the glorious vista. He goes for his morning run along the beach, while I look through my to do list for the day. I arise, shower, dress, and get ready for the day ahead.

I start up my laptop and scan the emails to see if there is anything really important for me to deal with (I'll get back to the others later). I choose the photos for today's blog, and write my blog post from the notes I made the night before. By now, David, my husband, has returned from his run, showered and dressed, and has organised the breakfast.  We eat together on the verandah, and we marvel at how lucky we are to be living this life.

Breakfast cleared away, I settle down to my next task of the day, answering all the baby boomers and retirees who have commented on my blog. That done, I set up my tripod and camera, so I can video another inspiring message for the blog, and for my YouTube page. There's just time to read through, and make adjustments to, the motivational speech I'm giving for International Living in Costa Rica next week, before it's time to eat. Fortunately the test match David is watching on TV has stopped for lunch

We decide to go to the restaurant on the beach to eat. So we spend a couple of hours enjoying the camaraderie there, before returning home. David decides to read his book on the verandah. I take some photos of him relaxing, for my stock portfolio, before settling down to checking how my affiliate sales are doing. Great news, we can afford to fly to South Africa business class in October, without denting the finances too much.

David decides it's tea time, and he brings me a cup of tea. I take it to the verandah, so we can spend some time together and discuss our impending trip to South Africa. After tea I have to do some photo editing, so I can upload my 5 photos a day to various stock sites. After which I take a look at the video I shot this morning. I could edit it, but I decide to send it to my man in the Philippines instead. Some things are better outsourced.

It's time to go and move! I've been doing too much sitting; although I do sit on an exercise ball when at the computer, as it makes me sit up straight, and doesn't dig into the back of my thighs like a chair does. David and I go for a sunset walk along the beach. Again we look at the amazing scenery and can't believe the magic of our lives. On the way back, we stop off at the beach bar for a drink, before going home for a light dinner, to compensate for the rather heavy lunch.

After I deal with the rest of my emails, we spend a relaxing evening before going to bed. Once in bed I note down some ideas for the next day's blog, while David completes his Killer Sudoku, and slays a Times Crossword (with a little help from me). Lights out! The end to a perfect day!

30 day challenge


  1. Sounds simply lovely and highly achievable Liz

    1. Thanks, Natalie. I do hope it's achievable, because that is what I'm aiming for!

  2. Fantastic!!! (except I think Dad's a bit annoyed he had to watch the test cricket on TV rather than at the ground... he might have been a bit grumpy in the evening... you probably need to move the location to near a test match ground to make it a truly perfect day!)

    1. He has already said as much, Clare! He WAS grumpy at only watching cricket on TV! I'll have to make sure my dream day includes his dream day too! I will definitely have to consider venues near cricket test grounds!

  3. What a really comprehensive description Elizabeth. Visualise it every day and I'm sure you'll get there - Good Luck :-)

  4. Such a beautiful day! And I love the fact that you're still traveling and exploring - you're the perfect rebuttal to my husband's occasional "we're probably not going to want to travel/explore when we're older." I know that no matter what life throws at us, we will get to see new places and travel like he's yearning too. Thanks for being so inspiring!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Katie. Believe me, when you are older you are free, and these day, unlike in the time of our grandparents, or even parents, we are fitter and healthier than ever. I say 70 is the new 40!!


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